COVID - 19学生调查


菠菜网lol正规平台 Team Members: Patricia Backer (PI), Dr. Laura Sullivan-Green (co-PI)博士. 玛丽亚(女名) chierhetti (co-PI),博士. Liat Rosenfeld (co-PI), Cynthia Kato (co-PI)

The widespread move to 100% online instruction has different impacts on different 学生群体. The 菠菜网lol正规平台 College of 工程 wanted to ask its students and faculty specific questions as many of our courses include laboratories and/or projects. 


  • Part 1 was a survey of all Spring 2020 students and faculty in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 College of 工程 about their experiences after the move to 100% online instruction in March 2020. 
  • Part 2 was in-depth interviews with students and faculty volunteers to get more input 融入他们的经历. In 调查, we asked for volunteers for the interviews. 40 students and 23 faculty were interviewed in Summer 2020. 这些访谈的结果 是即将到来的.
  • 第3部分是成绩分析. We asked each department chair to identify two lower division, two upper division and two graduate classes for each engineering major. We compared grades from Spring 2018, Spring 2019 and Spring 2020 to determine if COVID 19 impacted the grades that students earned. 这次品位分析的结果是 即将到来的.
  • Part 4 was to compare the 1, 2, 3, and 4 year retention levels of Spring 2020 students 给往年的学生. We expect that this work will be d一个 in the 2020-2021 academic year after the census is finished.


There were 6,674 students who were enrolled as engineering majors in Spring 2020; each of these students was sent 调查 through Qualtrics. 993名学生回应 对学生的调查. 

There are four files with 调查 results. 第一个文件是概要 2020年春季学生调查. Overall, 314 female and 582 male students responded to 调查. There were good responses from students from all departments in the College. Overall, over 900  students indicated their major.

Overall, 菠菜网lol正规平台 College of 工程 students was pessimistic about the next few months, 2020年秋季,以及他们的长期计划.  For each of the time frames given, most students felt worse or much worse about the future.

大多数学生(65岁).3%) responding to 调查 took three or more engineering 2020年春季课程. This is not surprising since most of the students responding were upper-division and graduate students. 然而,34%的学生认为 their engineering instructors did not use effective methods in all their classes. Students gave some suggestions on how online instruction could be improved. 顶部 six categories of suggestions were (1) record lectures and post online, (2) use active learning in online classes, (3) utilize better online teaching methods, (4) use Canvas and Zoom more effectively, (5) better communication with students, and (6) give/use 更多练习题.

图8. 学生的反应 to this question: Relative to your life before and after COVID 你如何评价你现在的工作


图9. 学生的反应 to Question: Overall, how much stress are you feeling about the COVID - 19的后果?

图9. 学生的反应.

图13. 学生的反应 to the question: Given the unexpected changes in course instruction after the spread of COVID 19, how often do you worry about the following:

图10. 教师的反应 to the Question: What active learning pedagogies have you used 在你的课堂上?

图10. 教师的反应.

图13. 教师的反应 to the Question:  How many more hours did you spend on course preparation after the move to 100% online instruction as compared to before for your average class?

图13. 教师的反应.

