Water for Elephants

water for elephants book cover

Author Sara Gruen

Author's website

Book Reviews

New York Times 


Circus Information

Circus Historical Society

Information on Steinbeck's Cannery Row

In spring 2009, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Campus Reading Program partnered with the Martha Heasley Cox Steinbeck Center in the King Library to highlight a book by John Steinbeck that is tied to the fall reading book. Cannery Row was selected. Like Water for Elephants, Cannery Row is set during the Great Depression. The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Steinbeck Center and the Campus Reading Program cosponsored events in spring 2009 tied to this book.

NPR - Ed Ricketts and the 'Dream' of Cannery Row (audio)

Cannery Row Foundation