
发送: 2020年3月27日
来自: Hien Huynh,资讯保安主任


I want to make you aware of a new kind of phishing attack that’s growing quickly in the wake of a global switch toward teaching, learning, and working 远程—“Zoom 轰炸.”

Zoom bombing is when an unwanted participant joins your Zoom meeting. 有时 攻击者加入只是为了讨人厌, but for others, the aim is to slip in unnoticed as you share documents with protected 关于他们的信息或讨论机密数据. 

While 菠菜网lol正规平台 already has some extra protocols in place to help keep you secure, I want to give you some quick tips to further help you prevent Zoom bombing.

  • Keep Meeting URLs Private - Don’t share them anywhere that’s accessible to the public. Just keep it to the group of people you’re sure you want to be there.
  • Keep Meeting Passwords On - These are on by default, so all you have to do is put 在提示时输入密码并保持打开状态.
  • Lock Your Meetings - When a meeting is locked, no 一个 can join. 了解如何在 菠菜网lol正规平台 IT确保Zoom会议 页面.
  • Double-Check Your Zoom Google Calendar Invites - If you add a Zoom meeting to your calendar or create a Zoom meeting in your calendar using the Zoom Plug-in, the calendar 输入项可能包括Zoom会议密码. 根据您的设置,这可能 expose the password to any一个 who views your calendar. 将日历条目设置为私有 or edit the entry to remove the Zoom meeting password.

For more details on each of these tips and some more information on staying secure 在家工作时,访问 随时随地工作缩放 页面. 你也可以在 随时随地工作常见问题 about how to send data securely using DocuSign and safely access 菠菜网lol正规平台 data systems 远程.