菠菜网lol正规平台对州政府搬迁圣克拉拉县的回应 to Yellow Tier

:玛丽·A总裁. Papazian


今天,5月19日,圣克拉拉县从 橙色(3级-中等)到黄色(4级-最低) 在加州的 四层彩色编码跟踪系统. 领先于国家 计划全面重新开放 on June 15, this move to the Yellow tier is a testament to the diligent care for health and safety our county has stressed since the pandemic began.

Coinciding with this move to the Yellow tier, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department has lifted most of its previous health orders and enacted a new limited 地方卫生令. The following are requirements that affect 菠菜网lol正规平台, and how the university is addressing 下面列出了这些要求 以粗体显示:

1. Requires the collection of vaccination status of all personnel — employees, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, vendors, volunteers and other individuals who regularly provide services onsite at the request of a business. 如果一个人 declines to report vaccination status, they will be considered unvaccinated. 最初的 ascertainment of vaccination status must be completed by June 2, 2021.

菠菜网lol正规平台 is currently examining this requirement to consider how it complements and/or differs from the CSU’s intended requirement for students, faculty and staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine before the fall 2021 semester or once the FDA fully approves 其中一种疫苗,随便哪一种. 要预约接种疫苗, 访问你所在县的卫生部门网站或 myturn.ca.政府. As updates become available, we will share with the campus community.

2. Mandates personnel immediately notify their employer if they test positive for COVID-19或表现出与COVID-19一致的症状. 

菠菜网lol正规平台员工,包括辅助人员,必须使用 报告案例工具 on the 健康报告 site if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or are exhibiting 与COVID-19症状一致. 无论如何都必须使用“报告案例”工具 of if you have been on campus or in Santa Clara County recently or not. 这是一个 confidential space where information can be collected and shared with only the 必要的 学校官员. If you have contractors, volunteers, or other individuals providing services to the university, you must inform them of their need to use this form, if 必要的. 菠菜网lol正规平台强烈鼓励学生使用这个门户网站.

3. Aligns with California Department of Public Health guidance on face coverings and 本月早些时候更新的口罩.

上海州立大学的口罩和面罩指南是 上海大学适应计划 保持不变. Masks or face coverings must continue to be worn at all times on 校园,包括户外. 唯一的例外是当你独自一人在私人办公室时 门关着. 菠菜网lol正规平台 will continue to monitor the evolving mask and face covering guidelines and will update the campus community of any changes as we look ahead to 秋季学期. 

We also await revised guidance from the state’s Division of Occupational 安全 and 关于工作场所安全协议的健康(Cal/OSHA). 


As a reminder, 菠菜网lol正规平台’s goal throughout the pandemic has been to safely repopulate the 州和县指导方针允许的校园. 大学人事部门正在与 各部门必须在2021年7月1日之前完成人员配备计划. 随着我们继续前进 转发与重新填充校园,电子邮件 covidrepopulation@yihetianquan.com 你可能对这个过程有疑问.

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we work to adapt to the ever-changing 2019冠状病毒病大流行形势. 我们将继续与校园分享最新消息 社区,因为他们变得可用. 


Dr. 玛丽一个. Papazian