菠菜网lol正规平台口罩政策更新; 额外的FD&O和EH&S安全措施

: Traci Ferdolage, Senior Associate Vice President of Facilities Development and Operations


As we look forward to welcoming more students, faculty and staff to campus beginning next month, I wanted to share steps Facilities Development and Operations (FD&O)和 环境、健康和安全(EH&S)采取措施保证你的安全.


首先,重申一下 校园口罩指导将于7月15日生效:

  • Individuals who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear masks. 充分接种疫苗 individuals can continue to wear a mask if they feel more comfortable doing so.
  • Individuals who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask indoors at all times, when in a university vehicle shared with others, and outdoors when it is not possible to 与他人保持6英尺的物理距离. 的re are a few exceptions where individuals not fully vaccinated do not have to wear a mask: 1) Al一个 in a private office with the door closed; 2) If the work you are conducting cannot be achieved safely with a mask in place or 3) If an individual 有批准的住宿. 未接种疫苗或没有接种疫苗的人 a private space indoors to take breaks or eat should do so outside. 

Masks are still required regardless of vaccination status in the Student Wellness 和儿童发展中心. 个人也仍然需要佩戴 乘坐公共交通工具时戴口罩. 的 运输安全管理局 has extended its mask requirement for all transportation networks through Sept 13.


As a reminder, all buildings on campus are locked and require your Tower ID card to 进入校园建筑物. 我们意识到学期的开始也是一个过渡期 period where many individuals may be receiving their Tower ID card (i.e.,新的教职员工; 迟入学的学生等.).

As a result, we will ensure buildings remain unlocked for the first two weeks of the semester during times classes, programs, and activities take place. Starting Monday, September 6, your Tower ID card will be required to access buildings. 如果您没有塔的身份证,请联系 塔台身份证办事处. 如果您的铁塔身份证出现故障,请联系 FD&O客户服务中心.  

New signage will be posted around campus regarding masking requirements for individuals 哪些人接种了疫苗,哪些人没有接种. 

Space capacity limitations and physical distancing requirements have been lifted and 不再适用于校园内的设施. 

Break room refrigerators, microwaves and other appliances can be used. 

Protective supplies and equipment will be available via request using the COVID-19安全供应申请表. Hand sanitizer, disposable face covers and disposable gloves will also be available 位于校园建筑公共区域的补给站.

Protective barriers (Plexiglas) will remain or continue to be placed at high traffic customer facing locations, such as service desks and checkout windows. 

Building HVAC systems have had their filtration systems modified to higher level of filtration (MERV-13) and configured to maximize outside air intake to provide a greater 建筑物的新鲜空气水平. 我们继续与我们的咨询机械一起工作 工程师对这些系统进行微调以提高安全性. 

Our custodial crew will continue cleaning spaces overnight and disinfect high touchpoint 位置(扶手,浴室,电梯按钮等.). 如果有一个确定的 COVID-19 positive individual who used a campus space during their infectious period, that area will be isolated until custodial staff can perform a deep cleaning and disinfection 这个区域的.  

的 health and safety of our campus community continues to be our top priority and 我们期待着很快欢迎你们中的许多人回来.


Traci Ferdolage
Senior Associate Vice President of Facilities Development and Operations