COVID-19疫苗接种自我证明表和Verification Process

The below message was sent to 菠菜网lol正规平台 students by the 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生健康中心 on 2021年7月9日.


按照待定 基社盟的政策,确保你是 充分接种疫苗 在新学期开始前预防COVID-19. COVID-19疫苗是安全的, effective, and the best way you can protect yourself and others. 


  1. 报告您的疫苗接种状态使用 COVID-19疫苗自我认证表. You will be asked to certify your current vaccination status and indicate if you 有资格获得宗教或医疗豁免. 申请宗教豁免的学生 can upload their supporting documentation as an attachment 在 COVID-19 Vaccine 自我认证形式,. Prior to submitting a religious exemption form, please convert 将PDF转换为 .BMP, .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF或 .PNG类型附件. 所有其他附件 类型将不被接受.
  2. 提交对 学生健康中心病人门户. You will need to submit proof of your COVID-19 vaccination record and/or request 申请医疗豁免. Proof can include a scanned/photo copy of your vaccine card 或包含以下内容的记录 以下所有内容: full name, date of birth, manufacturer/brand of vaccine, vaccine lot number, administration 日期和地点. Please ensure all information is visible and legible in English to 防止验证延迟.

Students must complete both of these steps by August 6, 2021 to meet full vaccination 需求. For students who need to get vaccinated, the Santa Clara County Mobile Vaccine Clinic is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics on July 14 and August 4 for students, staff, and 学生健康中心的教职员工. 辉瑞(2剂)和强生 & 约翰逊 (1-dose) vaccine will be available at these clinics. 鼓励报名 不过,不请自来是受欢迎的. Additional vaccine sites in California can be found on For international students who are currently outside of the United States, 菠菜网lol正规平台 将接受所有 World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use listed vaccines and other vaccines that have been approved by your country, regardless of their WHO 分类. 

For the latest vaccination updates, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has launched the 疫苗接种页面健康资讯网站. For submission instructions and exemption forms, please visit the COVID-19疫苗要求网站. Thank you for helping us ensure a safe return to campus life.

