

Yes it’s a lot of info but especially worth the read for any一个 looking for a job!

菠菜网lol正规平台 IT has partnered with LinkedIn 交付 Data-driven career pathing 适用于上海州立大学的学生 enterprise-level 发展 tools. 我们的程序 support a student’s educational journey from orientation, through graduation, and 进入职场.


Workforce 发展 through LinkedIn’s Skills Matching Index

  • Skills Matching Index helps uncover skills gaps that can be broken down by field, industry, major, career pathway, and their many intersections.
  • With LinkedIn data, it helps individuals increase their personal marketability, drive their employment outcomes upon graduation, and become a real source of early workforce 发展.
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 is 一个 of two institutions in the US with this type of connection to LinkedIn.
  • Customized insights and 菠菜网lol正规平台 specified data comes directly from LinkedIn’s data team.
  • LinkedIn gets platform participation from our large campus population, 一个 of the most diverse student bodies in the country, and an alumni base with more employees working in 硅谷 than any other university.
  • As workforce 发展 grows more important for higher education every day, 学生 and companies use alumni career outcomes to evaluate the quality of a degree.

LinkedIn学习 网络学习平台

  • On-demand e学习 portal.
  • 12,000+ available courses including learning and 发展 content like just-in-time subject refreshers and complete sessions.
  • Helps 学生 gain or grow skills.
  • 教师 can incorporate into Canvas to create tailored learning pathways to help guide 学生.

菠菜网lol正规平台 leverages LinkedIn’s data on our alumni’s career outcomes to:

  • 支持 student workforce 发展.
  • Better prepare our 学生 for the job market upon graduation.
  • Increase the success of 学生 as well as the companies that mentor and employ them.
  • Identify quantifiable skills gaps and address them directly, bridging those gaps faster 比以往任何时候都要多.
  • Identify common career trajectories, including where our alumni work, the skills that took them there, and the coursework that launched their career, with longitudinal 纪录.


  • 学生
  • 教师
  • 工作人员
  • 研究人员




没有成本 and unlimited student, faculty, and staff access to the LinkedIn学习 网络学习平台.


These offerings represent the first steps in our collaboration with LinkedIn. 

As we build upon initial success, we'll expand LinkedIn’s interaction with campus and build much more for our future together.

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