
Bob Lim, Vice President of IT部门 & 首席信息官

IT副总裁办公室 & 首席信息官

As San Jose State University's Vice President of 信息技术 and Chief Information Officer, Bob Lim drives our campus toward 菠菜网lol正规平台’s future vision of 转换 2030. Bob collaborates with other divisions and departments across the university to bring technology into classrooms, offices, research labs, and student spaces. 有远见的 partnerships with private industry, prioritized cybersecurity, next-level customer service, and a push for digitization are all central to Bob’s strategy. 在努力中 to enable social mobility, and together with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 IT leadership team, Bob brings 菠菜网lol正规平台 students unprecedented access to technology, a competitive advantage in the professional marketplace, and opportunities they might not otherwise have. 

个人的叙述: 教育 can transform families from generation to generation and is a social mobility 力量倍增器. As a first-generation college student, I am proof. 我个人和 professional mission is to lay the foundation for those with the desire, and drive, to achieve any professional dream. 

My background is humble. As a child, I lived in three different refugee camps. At nine years old, I immigrated to and settled in the US with my family. 我学到了很多 early in life that every一个 has talent, but not all are afforded the same opportunity. It is important that leadership enable and allow all students, faculty, and staff to be successful for the good of the university community.

My knowledge of IT, HE, and private industry is intimate and thorough. 我有经验 with large research AAU institutions, regional colleges, the public sector, and leading technology companies, including start-ups. My approach is customer-focused and collaborative 无论我在哪里.


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