

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


我希望大家都过得很好. 秋季学期很快就要开始了 and, as you know very well, COVID continues to evolve. 我们将有一个广阔的校园 市政厅 next Monday where we will work through some of the questions that are emerging. We are in a week-by-week mode at this point, and as we begin to repopulate campus things 将会改变.

Please read the messages that are coming from the president on issues related to, 例如,新的掩码协议. Also, please note that IT has an equipment list in case colleagues are planning on face-to-face teaching and they need microph一个s, etc. (http://sjsuequipment.getconnect2.com/).

It is important to keep in mind that many people have children at home that cannot be vaccinated yet or might have or be taking care of a family member with a compromised 免疫系统. 我知道戴口罩很困难. 但我们戴着它们是为了保护自己, our families, our coworkers, and their families safe.

As we gradually begin our return back to campus this month ahead of the fall semester, 我们可以有更多的变化. 

Vaccination is a very important part of our campus’ safety. 上海州立大学与 Santa Clara County to host pop up vaccination clinics on campus 8月4日 2021年8月25日. The clinics will be located in the Student Health Center and are open to all faculty, 教职员工和学生从12点到7点.m. 鼓励报名 不过,不请自来是受欢迎的. 

We have all worked so hard this past year and a half and I really appreciate each 还有你们每一个人! Kudos to all the folks in University Personnel, Health and 安全, the campus repopulation committee, and others who have also worked relentlessly to get us back to campus even as the rules of the game continue to change! 和,谢谢 you to the faculty, staff, and student workers in our division, who have really kept 菠菜网lol正规平台运行! 

I ask that you please be kind and patient with 一个 another. 不幸的是,我们仍然 有很长的路要走吗.
