实习 for Academic Credit (IACs)

实习 for Academic Credit (IACs) Banner

An 实习 被定义为“有薪或无薪,受到密切监控,高度结构化,战略性, 明确的,与项目相关的计划,提供专业的工作经验 of the classroom environment. An 实习 merges academic, personal development and career exploration in 一个.”

An 实习的 学分 (IAC) is an 实习的 which a student receives 学分. 

所有IAC都需要学习计划(LP)和参与指南(PG) 学生.

For more details, visit the Internship for Academic Credit website.

联系 the S4 Support team (s4support@yihetianquan.com) for any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions
