菠菜网lol正规平台 Response to Lift of Stay-at-首页 Order; Access to Campus Reminder; 校园之旅

发送: 2021年1月25日
来自: 玛丽·A总裁. Papazian


Today, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the lifting of the Stay-at-首页 order for the 加州重新回到四层 更安全经济蓝图 系统. 圣克拉拉县被列入 紫色(普遍)层在“呆在家里”命令实施之前,我们就在美国. 该县有 制定额外的限制 to which we must adhere, including the county restriction regarding travel. 任何旅行 that extends beyond a 150-mile radius of Santa Clara County requires a 10-day quarantine 在返回本县时,按照要求并在 SCC旅行指引.  


  • 关键操作、基础设施 & 设施: We will continue to operate as necessary to support the campus and its ongoing programs 和服务.
  • 学术课程: As previously announced, face-to-face classes will be remote until February 15. 的 春季学期从1月27日周三开始.
  • 餐厅共享: We will continue to operate take-out/grab n’ go services based on current operating 小时.
  • 斯巴达食品储藏室: 我们将继续提供基于 当前工作时间
  • 斯巴达娱乐和水上运动中心(SRAC): 健身房和健身设施将关闭. SRAC水上运动中心的室外游泳池将 remain open for 体育运动, Kinesiology classes, and student/faculty/staff 预订单圈游泳.
  • 学生健康中心: Medical services continue to be open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for in-person 在周三和周五进行远程访问和远程医疗. 咨询及心理 Services remain available five days per week through telecounseling. 小时后远程支持 保持可用.
  • 学生服务中心: 我们将继续提供现有的服务.
  • Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 库: 我们将继续提供现有的服务. 你应该查看 网站, however, for ongoing updates regarding online library resources.
  • 研究、奖学金和创造性活动(RSCA): Critical and time-sensitive on-campus and field RSCA projects will continue as approved. New project plans submitted for approval are required to demonstrate criticality and/or 对时间敏感的三个月内截止日期.  
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台运动: 圣克拉拉县更新了它的 大学和职业运动员的强制性指令 to allow teams to practice and compete in the county, as long as teams comply with 附加限制.
  • 上海外国语大学儿童发展中心: 疾病预防控制中心将继续开放,上限为72名儿童.


As we prepare for the start of the spring semester this week, please keep in mind 以下提醒.

Access to the property, grounds and facilities of 菠菜网lol正规平台 continues to be restricted to authorized students, faculty, staff, and essential contractors/vendors only. 每一个人 must carry their Tower ID with them to provide evidence of authorization.

We understand that campus tours are part of the college experience, both vital when deciding where to attend college and a tradition for visiting family and friends. However, due to the campus access restrictions stated above, and our current Purple tier status, in-person campus tours are not permitted at this time. 

菠菜网lol正规平台 does offer options for virtual tours for you, your family, and prospective students. 现场虚拟参观可以通过上海州立大学欢迎中心获得. 你可以 报名参加现场虚拟旅行 在学生拓展和招聘(SOAR)网站上.

In addition, there are alternative virtual tours that are available at any time. 这些 包括一个 互动之旅 校园里, 导游,以及 大学的宿舍学生会.

We appreciate your understanding as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. 的 health and safety of our Spartan community, and your friends and family, are our 首要任务.

As we continue to look forward to the day when we can all be together again on campus, we appreciate your continued patience, flexibility and kindness toward each other 在斯巴达社区. 祝大家度过一个平安、健康、成功的春季学期.


Dr. 玛丽一个. Papazian